Financial Planning During Life’s Challenges
I think everyone reading this will agree that life is full to overflowing with challenges at the moment. It may surprise you, but taking the next step in financial planning – even amidst life’s challenges – could offer you more peace of mind than you might imagine.
I’m in the middle of a pandemic. I don’t have time for a life crisis!
Throughout this pandemic, I have said, tongue-in-cheek, that it just seems wrong that we should have to contend with normal life challenges such as divorces, deaths, job losses, and illnesses, while we are suffering such a major disruption to our lives.
Wouldn’t it be nice just to take a break from everything? It’s just too much for all of us. Our adrenal systems are worn down and we look for anything that will soothe our frayed psyches. Alcohol sales are through the roof, the cannabis dispensaries are doing a brisk business. We stay glued to our televisions listening to views within our “bubble,” which releases dopamine and exacerbates our fears, rather than soothing them. For a time, it feels good to listen to people who agree with us, but then we hear something that makes us feel bad, requiring another “fix” of news from “our side” to release more dopamine.
Stop the World – I Need to Manage My Finances!
Unfortunately, since the earth doesn’t stop revolving and allow us to deal with just one major catastrophe at a time, we must live our lives right on through the major disruptions that happen in every life. When we lose a spouse or partner through death, divorce, or a breakup, when we no longer have a job, when our aging parents require extra care, or when we fear our retirement investments may be tanking – these are some of the most trying and stressful situations in life. Our view of the future becomes grim and fearful. What will happen to me? Will I have enough money? How can I manage my life now? These and so many other questions can send us into a tailspin of worry and doubt. Of course, the pandemic makes all of this worse.
This is Where Financial Planning Comes In
In particular, financial planning with me. Why me? My job is to provide financial peace of mind. I provide perspective, encouragement and support. I deliver an array of choices that can be made to soothe your very legitimate worry with sound, simple, structured financial advice. And my brand of financial advice isn’t to just focus on your accounts; it all has to make sense within the context of your life.
You can only walk by putting one foot in front of the other. While you can run or jump, the reality is you can’t have both feet off the ground for more than a few seconds without falling down. Whether you walk, run or jump it requires stepping forward, one foot at time. My job is to help you see that once you’ve fallen, the best way forward is to stand up and take a step.
There is no question that losses in our lives take a tremendous toll. I’m here to offer the perspective that there is life within and beyond the losses that may be difficult to see. There is love and freedom and the opportunity to discover more about yourself after death and divorce. After a job loss, we have some temporary support through unemployment benefits to help us transition to the next thing. Who says that next thing can’t be better than the one you just left?
Planning for the Future Works (and it pays off now, too)
Planning for and investing in your future works. It’s that simple. Setting goals and moving toward them is our life’s mission. Without a goal, we are left sputtering around in our high anxiety. When we fall down, we do best when surrounded by supportive, empowered people. Adding me to your support team is a good decision if you want a chance for your future to be better than you could have imagined. And not only does sound financial planning pay off in the future, but it really does help you sleep better at night and feel less worried right now, today.
We will survive this trying time, but I am not interested in merely surviving. I’m interested in thriving and helping you do the same. Take the next step – let’s plan a time to do some planning together, with me as your sounding board, guardian angel and biggest fan. We will thrive together.
–Vicki Arndt
Founder and Senior Investment Advisor
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay